Culture, Food


Fura da nono is a popular African cold gruel produced and consumed mostly in the northern part of Nigeria. The meaning of Fura da nunu in English is simply milk and millet gruel. Fura da Nono is a very healthy and satisfying food. Nono (or Nunu) is a local yogurt with thick lumps produced from the fermentation of cow milk. Nono is obtained from fermented cow milk after the separation of the milk from its lipid component known as man shanu (cow oil).

The art of nono production is one of the many unique traditions the Fulanis have preserved for centuries. During the day, it is common to see young Fulani ladies hawking this special drink from place to place in local wooden bowls which they carry on their heads.

Below is an explanation of the preparation of fura da nono.

•Cup millet or Guinea corn meal
•Soya bean meal
•Dried pepper (ground)
•Cloves (ground)
•Dried ginger root (ground)
•Corn flour
•2 litres water (For boiling)
•1 litres Fresh cow milk yogurt “No-no” or Normal yogurt
•Granulated sugar to taste

•Mix the dry flour ingredients and spices together in a bowl.
•Make a well in the centre and add a little water just enough to act as a binding agent for the dry ingredients.
•Mould into medium sized balls.
•Heat the water for about 7mins and when it starts to boil, drop the moulded balls into the water and leave to boil for about 20 minutes.
•Transfer the boiled balls from the pot into a mortar and pound thoroughly.
•Re-mould once more into small balls and sprinkle with corn flour to keep the balls moist
•To serve, pour the nono into a bowl.
•Add the balls (mashed) and sugar to taste.

Some Health Benefits of Fura da Nono
1. Millet can help reduce the effects of migraines and heart attacks due to the presence of magnesium.
2. Millet helps in fat metabolism, repair of body tissue and creating energy in the body due to the presence of phosphorus in the crop.
3. Millet helps in the lowering of cholesterol in the body (Vitamin B3).
4. Millet helps reduce the risk of having type 2 diabetes.
5. Millets helps to protect against breast cancer and also protect against childhood asthma.
6. Nunu Yogurt contains power-boosting protein and bone-building calcium.
7. Yogurt such as nono can give you flat abs. according to research conducted by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
8. The Alkaline nature of Fura de nunu helps to promote digestion and prevents constipation.
9. Nono Yogurt is an excellent probiotic which helps do away with harmful microorganisms that can cause intestinal infections
10. It produces serotonin which helps to calm and soothe our moods.

Why don’t you try to produce this drink at home and give your family a wonderful time savouring it?

Culture, Education, Food


Afang soup is a delicious soup native to the Efik-Ibibio people who reside in Akwa Ibom and Cross River states of Nigeria. It is however enjoyed by all Nigerians. It is a very nutrient rich soup whose major ingredient are vegetables.

Afang also called Eru in Cameroon and Okazi in other parts of Nigeria is a flavuorful green leafy vegetable (Gnetum africanum), which is commonly grown in West Africa and used in making different soups and stews. Afang soup is made with Afang leaves and another common green leafy vegetable locally called water leaf (Malabar spinach). Water leaf may however be substituted for lamb’s lettuce.

Without wasting time, let us learn how to cook this soup below;

Ingredients for Afang Soup
1. 400g sliced Okazi/Afang leaves (about 4 handfuls)

2. 250g Water leaves (alternatively lamb’s lettuce)

3. 20 to 25 cl red palm oil (about 1 drink glass). Yes, you need that much oil.

4. Beef, kanda, and dry fish

5. 2 tablespoons ground crayfish

6. Pepper and salt (to taste)

7. 2 stock cubes

8. Periwinkes, fresh or dried shrimp, crabs, oysters, clams or apple snails.

Note that most Efik delicacies contain a lot of seafoods because both Cross River and Akwa Ibom states are riverine states.

Do the following before cooking;

1. Wash, drain and slice the water leaves into tiny pieces. Grind or pound the sliced Okazi leaves. In Nigerian markets, the sellers of these leaves may do the slicing if you so desire. You may also grind it at home with your blender with a little quantity of water.

2. Grind your pepper and crayfish and cut the onions into tiny pieces.

Cooking Directions

Cook Time: 1hr

1. Boil the beef and Kanda with the diced onions and stock cubes in a very small quantity of water. When done, add the dry fish and cook for about 5 more minutes.

2. Now add the palm oil, crayfish and pepper. Once it starts boiling, add the afang (okazi) leaves, water leaves and periwinkle (or other seafoods). When the okazi leaves become soft and the water a bit dry, add salt to taste and leave to simmer for about 5 minutes.

There, your Afang soup is ready!

Afang soup may be served with Eba, Fufu , Amala, Semo, Fufu or Pounded Yam .
